Mixels Episode: 666

Mixels Episode 666 (also known as Minuscule Tragedy Adventure

) is a creepy lost episode of Mixels. It is a parody of Epic Comedy Adventure.


I love Mixels because there so much fun to play with and they can make there own mixes, maxes and sometimes murps, there is a lot of adventure, comedy, epicness and fun. But I heard of a very strange and creepy episode and it was so scary. Read on to find out, if you dare!
I was on Gmail, reading some emails and messages. It was 8:00pm. Then I got a new mail, it showed a MediaFire link that will take me, It was a video and it was titled "MIXELS-666.avi". I clicked on the Download button. After the download, I clicked on the file.
The screen was red and bumpy; like someone who is drunk. It started normally with all of the Mixels from Series 1-2 partying in the Mixels Festival, Flain and Teslo mixed with a cubit and made a very cool mix. The episode was like Epic Comedy Adventure from Mixed Up Special. The announcement was cut to when Zaptor ate all of the Hamlogna Sandwiches, Teslo and Volectro found out that he ate all of the sandwiches. Teslo said that he and the leaders will have to go on a hamlogna sandwich run, so they went off. Then Major Nixel released a real life bloody nuke and it fell and hit the all of the Mixels (excluding the leaders). But the Mixels didn't look like how they where in the original, they had real bleeding human eyes with bloody teeth and their skins were raw. I shivered in fear. The leaders found out that they where hit by a nuke. The zombie mixels chased them fast and Flain screamed like a women and it cut to static for 5 seconds. During the 5 seconds static, after a few mini seconds, a dead little girl came for a split second. My heart was beating fast as it could. After the static, it faded to the Nixels cheering on Major Nixel for ruling Mixel Land. Then after he got cheered, it cut to black for a second and it showed the Leaders' dead bodies covered in blood and gore. Then the video ended with a real human heart.
After this, I deleted the file and I'll never going to watch the episode of Mixels again.
I still have nightmares about this episode, sometimes I dream about the hyper-realistic drawings. Sometimes I see it at night when I'm trying to sleep, just out of the corner of my eye. It's always brief, but I can always feel it watching me.
However in the next day, I checked the email like I download "MIXELS-666.avi", but it was gone forever. So, I was happy.